A packed pub and a night of live music was the perfect opportunity to say a heartfelt “Thank You” to Pam and John Desmond as they make their plans to retire from the pub after 22 years as landlords. A specially commissioned water colour of the Horseshoe, complete with its colourful summer garden, was presented to them by villagers and friends along with vouchers to help their next garden carry on John’s tradition of a beautifully kept green space. Over the years, Pam and John have hosted countless weddings, funerals, parties, festive celebrations, New Year’s Eves, music events, pub quizzes, pool and crib tournaments, village club and society meetings, barbecues, and even occasional days out to the races. A lake of beer and wine has passed across the bar, thousands of meals served, hundreds of plants tended, acres of grass mown. The bar has seen the whole glorious spectrum of joy and sadness that village life creates – stories have been shared, gossip passed on, contacts made and friendships have blossomed. The walls have rung with laughter. Minal raises a glass to Pam and John to say thanks and wish them the very best for their next chapter.