Emergency Planning

Emergency Planning

The PC has an emergency plan to cope with the type of emergencies we may face.  We are grateful to our volunteers who have offered equipment and their help in the event of a severe weather event when the emergency services may be overwhelmed. Please read the plan   1.1 Published Emergency Plan Oct 2023  You may also find this guide useful    Householders-guide-for-emergencies-emergency-planning

Emergency Plan Co-ordinator: Councillor Guy Gagen:
Meeting Place for Emergency Plan Volunteers following a severe weather event where power is out.  10.00am in the Village Hall.


Call 105 to report power outage. Or freephone 0800 072 7282

Download the free Power Track app on your mobile phone

Sign up to SSE’s Priority Register – if you have a young child, older person or anyone with special needs in your household. 0800 294 3259

https://sse.co.uk/help/accessibility/priority-services-register  SSE staff will help you keep equipment running in an emergency and distribute emergency items such as glow sticks and stoves.

Thames Water Emergency Helpline 0800 316 9800

Report a Problem   https://www.thameswater.co.uk/help/report-a-problem

Sign up to Thames Water’s Priority Services Register 0800 009 3652 https://www.thameswater.co.uk/help/extra-care/priority-services


Emergency  999
All other situations: 101
Neighbourhood Policing Team is: devizesareacpt@wiltshire.police.uk
Anti-terrorist hotline  0800 789 321

Silent 999 call if you are in danger and cannot speak:
Mobile: Press 55 and you will be transferred to Police.  Landline: Don’t speak and you will be transferred to Police.  Landline may remain connected for 45 seconds in case you pick it up again.

WILTSHIRE HIGHWAYS – BLOCKED ROADS DUE TO FALLEN TREES/SNOW 0300 456 0105 or email  weather.team@wiltshire.gov.uk

Gritting Routes  https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/article/1264/Gritting-and-snow-clearance


Overflowing Gullies/Drains/Surface water/ground water/roads These are the responsibility of  Wiltshire Council.  Contact Highways 0300 456 0105  Out of hours number 03004 560 100
For non urgent report on the My Wiltshire App.  The guides below provide useful advice for protecting your home

WCC Flood_Action_Guide_Wiltshire

WCC Flood_Recovery_Guide_Wiltshire

For Sewage/Burst Water Mains
Call Thames Water  0800 316 9800

FloodLine 0345 988 1188 for up-to-date flood warning information or advice.  Flooding alerts website:  https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/

Report Flooding in your home
We understand it is a difficult time when people are affected by flooding, however if your home or
business has flooded, please make sure you report it as close to the event as possible:  www.gov.uk/report-flood-cause
Reporting flooding helps agencies to respond and prioritise recovery efforts, and helps capture the true
costs of a flood, building a case for future interventions.

Main Rivers Flooding   Environment Agency incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60 to report flooding, blockages in rivers or any other environment incident. Sign up for flood warnings  https://www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings

For useful advice  How We Help – National Flood Forum
For Minal residents affected by frequent flood events or ground water the PC will support residents by fitting a flood gate.  On the top right of this website the blue pages give information and suppliers of flood gates.

Minal PC has a supply of gel sacs so if you would like any please contact the Parish Clerk   clerk@mildenhallwiltshireparishcouncil.gov.uk
Wiltshire Council has further advice for homeowners at https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/article/6195/Drainage-and-flooding

The Environment Agency (Flood Wessex) advises that the non emergency flooding should be reported on  FORT- Home (geowessex.com)
This information provided is then shared with the risk management authorities to ensure it goes to the correct organisation depending on the source.


The village has a Mindray C1A Defibrillator in a heated cabinet on the village hall front wall in Feb 2024.  The defib is connected to the Circuit www.thecircuit.uk which is the ambulance network.  Follow the instructions on the Defibrillator to open the cabinet.  The Defib lifts out of the case and on opening it audible instructions will tell you what to do.  This link is a professional video for operating a defib that you may find useful  https://vimeo.com/557677120/e7524918c5

Report Pot holes, street lights etc here.  https://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/mywilts-online-reporting  You can download an app for your phone

and  will need to create an account to receive messages.



NHS/Health 111
For Emergencies ring 999.  For Health advice Ring 111 or go to https://111.nhs.uk/  

Government Emergency Alert System   https://www.gov.uk/alerts
The Government can send emergency alerts to mobile phones in the event of situations such as regional flooding, industrial accidents or other nationwide emergencies.

Key Locations and Places of Safety in an Emergency 

Building Location Potential use in an emergency Contact details of key holder
Village Hall High Street Rest Centre/safe place Rob Bailey
Church Lane
The Horseshoe Public House High Street Rest Centre/safe place Clare Brown


01672 514725

St John The Baptist Church Church Lane Rest Centre / shelter Sarah Musgrave
mid High Street

Mildenhall Emergency Contacts for Wiltshire Council
Guy Gagen                Adam Kebble                   Chris Musgrave