Council Administrator

Werg bridge gets a plaque

Local historian David Sherratt and Minal residents Tom and Jill Otley have erected a plaque to commemorate Rev Charles Francis who paid for the bridge over the River Kennet at the Werg in the early...

Village Fete 24 July 2021

The first village fete after the pandemic and the first organised by the new Sports and Social Club headed by Clive Schofield was a great success with much fun had by all.  The weather was better...

New Trees for Church Lane

The Ash trees in Church Lane have had to be removed due to Ash die back disease.  Adam Slater, who has recently moved into Church Lane with his wife, has kindly donated  4 oriental flowering cherry...

Ash die back comes to Church Lane

The Parish Council is sad to announce that the Ash trees in Church Land are be to be replaced due to discovery of Ash Dieback disease.  Ash die back is now affecting most of the Ash trees in the...