The Parish Council is sad to announce that the Ash trees in Church Land are be to be replaced due to discovery of Ash Dieback disease. Ash die back is now affecting most of the Ash trees in the area and you may have noticed the felling of many trees on Ramsbury estates and along the A4. Last July the Parish Council had the trees inspected as many of the branches were becoming dangerous in high winds. The PC were hoping to save them and a planning application for a third reduction was applied for and granted. Unfortunately, the disease has spread and this year Wiltshire Council has approved the felling of the large trees in the church car park. This is a sad occasion as the trees are part of the fabric of Church Lane.
If you look closely at the picture the wood in the trunk is very dry and the branches are looking withered all classic signs of Ash die back. On a more positive note, Adam Slater of Church Lane has offered a contribution towards new trees which will be planted in the Autumn.
If you would like to talk to someone on the Council about this please contact Rob Bailey 07872 326177 or the Clerk 01672 512847
Works will start on Friday 19 March. Read more about Ash die back disease Ash Die Back